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Single Point of Access (SPA)

IMPACT designed and mobilised a regional Single Point of Access (SPA) for first assessment referrals, which launched as a pilot in October 2019. 

This is now used routinely across the East Midlands with all referrals going direct to the SPA and individual patient care being commissioned following just one clinical assessment. 

As well as reducing multiple assessments and delay, the changes also see independent provider partners undertaking assessments for the first time – increasing capacity across the region and getting the right level of care in place for patients more quickly. 

New ‘principles for consideration’ have been embedded within the referral review process to ensure that those planning ongoing, secure care provision are taking a holistic, patient-centred approach and making decisions based on the individual needs of service-users, their history and preferences. This includes whether the placement can provide the specific support required or is within a reasonable proximity to home, friends and family. 

Basing our decision-making on these principles - as well as clinical need - aims to support patient recovery, reduce out of area placements and improve visiting access for family and friends.

Single point of access

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