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We are IMPACT - the East Midlands Provider Collaborative for Adult Secure Care

Impact regional mao

NHS-led Provider Collaboratives are regional partnerships of organisations that provide specialised mental health services for patients. These partnerships are being established across England as part of a national programme of work.

IMPACT is a partnership of the nine NHS, independent and third sector organisations that provide NHS Adult Secure Care services in the East Midlands. The lead provider for the Collaborative is Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

The Provider collaborative is committed to working across a partnership with clinicians, ward staff, service-users and their families and carers to make positive changes and sustainable improvement.

The new clinical model seeks to transform the following adult secure care services across the region through improving pathways, interfaces between the health, social care and criminal justice system and on-going service development.

IMPACT Manage Low and medium secure care for patients with a mental health diagnosis and/or a Learning Disability / Autism Spectrum Disorder (LDA) across five counties with a total population of around five million people.

IMPACT comprises the following partner organisations:

  • Cygnet Health Care
  • Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Elysium Healthcare
  • Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
  • Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
  • Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • Priory Healthcare
  • St Andrew’s Healthcare

To find out more about NHS-led Provider Collaboratives and their role in delivery of the Long Term Plan for the NHS visit: NHS England and NHS Long Term Plan.

Latest news from the IMPACT commissioning hub

Alvaston Ward at Cygnet Hospital Derby are officially the first accredited Quality Network for Forensic Mental Health Services ward

Alvaston Ward are officially the first (and currently only) accredited Quality Network for Forensic Mental Health Services ward and this a huge achievement!  

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Women's Secure Care Transformation - Programme Launch

The overarching vision for our Women’s Secure Services is that every East Midlands woman who is at risk of requiring secure care will be supported.  

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World Mental Health Day - How will you be celebrating?

World Mental Health Day - How will you be celebrating? 10 October 2024.  

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Coproduction achievements

We wanted to share a few Coproduction achievements over the last 3 months.  

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