Unpaid carers (families, friends, partners and siblings) are an essential part of the team that support the people we provide care for. We will listen and communicate with carers, involve them in people’s care, and help them to get support when they need it.
At Nottinghamshire Healthcare we demonstrate our commitment to growing our involvement and communication with Carers through the following statements which we monitor regularly and with our annual self-assessment to achieve the Triangle of Care accreditation.
- We will always work in partnership with carers/families in all the clinical care we deliver.
- We will always listen to, communicate with, involve, and offer support to carers/families, unless there is a very good reason not to.
What is a carer?
“someone of any age who provides regular unpaid support to another person who could not manage without help. Caring may include physical, practical, or emotional support and the individual could be a family member, partner, neighbour, or friend"
There are 5.7 million Carers in England and Wales (Carers Trust, 2023).
At Nottinghamshire Healthcare we understand that people may not recognise themselves as a carer - and would not use this label for themselves and would think about a “carer” as someone who is a paid care worker who offers personal care at home. They may refer to themselves as “I’m just the partner, relative, friend, neighbour….” But they are the essential ingredient in understanding our patients and how to support them on their recovery journey or to achieve the outcomes that are most important to them. It is good practice to hear and revisit carers views and knowledge throughout the care journey to understand and acknowledge any changes.
Even without consent or limited consent from patients to talk to or involve carers, we can still listen to carers and hear their views and discuss public information or facts which are already known.