Staff wellbeing

a person in a business suit holding a red crocheted heart

Mindfulness is a particular way of paying attention to the present moment. It can enhance wellbeing through simple yet powerful practices that can be brought into daily life and support you with the wider demands of the modern world. 

We learn skills that can help us to:

  • Keep our balance through life’s ups and downs
  • Improve wellbeing, reduce stress and anxiety and increase mental alertness.
  • Feel less overwhelmed
  • Respond skilfully to difficulties and stress.
  • Engage with what is most important to us
  • Open up to moments of joy, contentment, and gratitude
  • Learn to flourish
  • Be kinder to ourselves

There is increasing evidence of the benefits of mindfulness. NICE recommends that mindfulness should be offered to "all employees…on an ongoing basis." March 2022: Recommendations | Mental wellbeing at work | Guidance | NICE.

The Nottingham Centre for Mindfulness in Notts HC offers a number of mindfulness options free to Trust staff.

Please see below for details and apply by emailing

Participant staff feedback

“I found this to be relaxing whilst I was in the session and refreshed after it”

“Quality time to turn attention to myself amongst a busy workload”

“Focussing on something other than work and problems for a brief moment helps to put things into perspective”

“I appreciated taking the time out to reflect on my own well being”


“I feel now I have a way which I know works to help relieve my stress”


“I have developed more tolerence and patience. I feel more relaxed and less triggered as i am able to recognise my thoughts as thoughts”

“I feel calmer and more relaxed, i'm not as anxious or worried”



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