Community Forensic Team (CFT) is a city and county wide service providing mental health services for adults of all ages across Nottingham City, Nottinghamshire County and Bassetlaw. The team provides assessment, care and management to individuals over 18 years old with a mental disorder related to significant risk of harm of others. The specialist team include:
The service aims to support patients to live as independently as possible in line with progression with risk reduction strategies. In order to achieve greater independence, the team will:
The service receives referrals from Local Mental Health teams, GP practices, Probation Services, and Secondary Mental Health teams in the prison services. The service does not accept self-referrals. Referrals are submitted to the referrals inbox
Patients will have an identifiable mental disorder such as a mental illness, personality disorder, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, alcohol/substance misuse related mental illness.
The patients we work with would have significant probability of serious harm in that the individual’s behaviour has or could lead to life threatening injury or irreversible harm to others. Patients under our service typically have a history of GBH, fire setting, stalking and/or sexual violence and there should be a suspected link between the mental disorder and significant risk of serious harm.
Patients referred to us should have the potential to benefit from the treatment/assessment provided through active engagement with the team. Where this is not the case we will liaise and discuss this with the referrer and look at ways we might be able to support services in working with high-risk patients.
The service offer different levels of intervention/support:
The community forensic team have 2 bases, one in the city and one in the county. Our service is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
3 Crow Hill Drive
NG19 7AE
Westminster House
598 The Wells Road
Tel: 0115 952 9400
Should your concern relate to a service user currently known to the team then please contact the team directly on the contact numbers above within working hours. Outside of office hours, contact the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team, GP suregry or NHS 111.
Please contact us on 0115 952 9400 or 01623 433 919 if you wish to discuss a possible referral to our service.
We accept referrals from Secondary Mental HEalth Services such as Local Mental Health teams and other Mental Health services, GPs, Probation, courts, prisons, inpatient services. Referrals can be received directly to the service on the referral form and submitted to the team email