Notts nurses win Nursing Times Award for excellent patient care

Nottinghamshire Healthcare is delighted to see nursing colleagues win a Nursing Times Award for their dedication to delivering excellent patient care.
Our Level 1 Continence Clinic team in Rushcliffe won the Continence Promotion and Care category for their fantastic work to significantly reduce the waiting time for attending their clinic, which has had a really positive impact on patient care.
Following the pandemic, there was a 2.5 year waiting list for level 1 continence clinics. Their work reduced the waiting list from years to weeks, which is an outstanding achievement.
Katie Grant-Community Nursing Team Leader-Rushcliffe said:
“We are extremely astonished and humbled to have been awarded the Nursing Times Award for continence promotion, and proud of the achievements over the last 17 months. Kay’s passion for all things bladder and bowel has delivered the excellent patient centred care seen in clinic and the results achieved. We are excited to move forward to phase 2, focusing on education and training, to ensure quality care delivery regardless of setting.”
The Level 1 service is commissioned to provide comprehensive continence assessments for adults (18 years old and above), enabling diagnosis and treatment with individually focused care plans and referral to other health or social care services as appropriate.
Having reviewed the waiting lists it became evident that the team needed a robust plan, whilst managing the increased referrals coming through due to the post pandemic surge and most importantly return to delivering a quality continence service to the patients across Rushcliffe.
They sought to bring in another continence nurse so daily continence clinics could be introduced, instead of the once a week clinic that was previously available.
In 9 months, the waiting list was reduced rapidly to ensure patients could be seen promptly and within a suitable timeframe keeping below NHSE waiting list target.
Diane Hull, Executive Director or Nursing, AHPs and Quality said:
“We are absolutely thrilled to see our Continence Clinic team in Rushcliffe win their category in these prestigious awards. They have worked exceptionally hard to reduce their waiting list, which has led to a significantly improved experience for our patients. We’re really proud of everyone involved and they really deserve this recognition.”