Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is the lead provider of the East Midlands Provider Collaborative.
From 1 October 2020, the responsibility for the commissioning of Adult Secure Care services in our region transferred from NHSE Specialised Commissioning to the East Midlands Provider Collaborative – known as IMPACT.
This transfer of commissioning responsibly is in line with national policy and underpins delivery of the ambitions set out in the Long-Term Plan for the NHS. As such, NHS-led Provider Collaboratives are being established across England through a phased programme of transition. The move to regional Provider Collaboratives sees specialised commissioning, quality assurance and delivery of Adult Secure Services, including Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism, devolved to partnerships of local providers.
IMPACT comprises the following nine partner organisations:
The formation of a Provider Collaborative gives us an opportunity to work together as NHS and independent sector organisations across the region to improve patient care and outcomes across adult secure care. Together we are seeking to transform services by:
For more information Visit the IMPACT website at:
The IMPACT programme office and Collaborative Support Hub is based at Duncan Macmillan House, the headquarters of Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.