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Trust Team shortlisted for national award for supporting young people in to work

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Nottinghamshire Healthcare’s Facilities Management Team has been shortlisted in the national Health Estates and Facilities Management Association (HEFMA) annual awards.  Shortlisted in the People Development Award category for engaging and successfully implementing the Prince’s Trust 'Get Into' programme, to help young people in to work.

Health and Wellbeing strategy shortlisted in national awards

Golden star trophy on a red background.

Nottingham City’s Joint Health and Wellbeing strategy has been shortlisted in the Local Government Chronical Awards 2023, in the ‘Public Health’ category.

The Trust is a key partner in this work, including leading on the Severe Multiple Disadvantage (SMD) work. This work is supported by a large and very active partnership of organisations across the City that work to support people that might be experiencing multiple complex issues that include homelessness, substance misuse, mental health issues, domestic abuse and contact with the criminal justice system. 



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