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UKRI funding to bring public into the heart of new Nottingham research project

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) is investing £1.46M in five citizen science research projects where the public are directly involved in the research process, with its largest investment being given to the Citizen Science To Achieve Coproduction at Scale (C-STACS) study, led by Mike Slade at the Institute of Mental Health (a research partnership between the University of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust).

IMH Publication Awards Prize Winner

Congratulations to Dr Rebecca O’Brien, Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, working in our  Adult speech and language therapy service who has won an Institute of Mental Health Publication Award. The award is for her publication ‘When people living with dementia say ‘no’: Negotiating refusal in the acute hospital setting, in the best publication flowing from work during doctoral studies or as part of a doctoral dissertation category.



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