Latest news
Sherwood Oaks - Recruitment Event
A recruitment event for our new Sherwood Oaks is taking place on Saturday 30 April 2022
Oral Health Team shortlisted in National Dental Awards
We are very proud of our Oral Health Promotion Team who have been shortlisted in the National Dental Awards 2022.
The Team have been shortlisted for their National Smile Month Campaign which involved a range of activities to share important oral health messages.
OSCARS - new date confirmed
A new date has been confirmed for the OSCARS.
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust launches new five year Strategy
Trust launches an ambitious new five year strategy
Breakthrough success in provision of automated psychological therapy using virtual reality (VR)
In a landmark development, psychological therapy has been automated in virtual reality. With the user guided by a virtual coach, there is no need for a real-life therapist, meaning the treatment can reach many more patients.