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Come for a day out at Wathwood Hospital Farm Shop's Spring Fayre

The Wathwood Hospital Farm Shop will be holding its Spring Fayre on Saturday 17 June 2017 from 12 to 4pm.  

  • Bedding plants, shrubs, tubs and planters for sale
  • Craft stalls and a white elephant stall 
  • Indulge in a variety of hot food, strawberry teas, ice cream, fruit mocktails and homemade cakes 
  • Raffle
  • Cupcake decorating for children
  • Live music

This event is open to all and entry is free, so why not come and join us!

Wathwood Hospital Farm Shop
Gipsy Green Lane 
S63 7TQ

For further information, call 01709 870842.  

Find out more about the Hospital and the Farm Shop





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