OSCARS 2021/22 has now launched!

Our Outstanding Service Contribution and Recognition Scheme (OSCARS) for 2021/22 has now launched. The OSCARS is our awards scheme for our staff and volunteers. This is an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate their outstanding work.
Award categories
This year we have ten award categories as follows:
- Unsung Hero Award - Clinical
- Unsung Hero Award - Non Clinical
- Quality Improvement Award
- Team of the Year Award - Clinical
- Team of the Year Award - Non Clinical
- Leadership Award
- Environmental Impact Award
- Volunteer of the Year Award
- Outstanding Care and Compassion Award
- Lifetime Achievement Award
Nominations are now open for just four weeks, until Monday 8 November. So, don’t delay, NOMINATE TODAY!
Make a nomination
Find out more about the OSCARS and make a nomination on our OSCARS pages.OSCARS nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk
If you have any questions about the OSCARS email oscars@nottshc.nhs.uk or call the Communications Team on 0115 993 4530.