We provide dietetic support to adults and older people with intellectual disabilities, including those who:
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Please be aware that we are a very small team and are often out of the office. If we are unavailable please leave a message and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Tel: 0115 9560810 or IDDReferrals@nottshc.nhs.uk
Fern House
Highbury Hospital
Highbury Road
The crisis line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to people of all ages.
If you’re in a mental health crisis, call the crisis line anytime of the day or night, and we can arrange for you to speak with a mental health professional. We can also advise you about other services, which can help you.
The crisis line is operated by local health workers. Don't worry, they will help you get the right support.
For other medical advice and support contact your GP or visit NHS 111.
To refer someone to the Intellectual Disability Specialist Dietetics team you should request a referral form via the IDD Single Point of Access on 0300 303 1930 or IDDReferrals@nottshc.nhs.uk
Phil Roberts
IDD Dietitian and Team Lead
Service commissioned by Nottingham City and South of County Clinical Commissioning Groups.