International Nurses’ Day

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International Nurses’ Day

International Nurses’ Day takes place on 12 May and focuses on what it means to be a nurse and how our nurses have led patient care, particularly through the past few challenging years.

We want to say huge thank you to all our nurses across the organisation. They have continued to provide outstanding care to our patients, through very difficult circumstances and we are extremely grateful to them. We could not have done it without them.

Below you will find stories about our fantastic nurses and some comments from our staff who work with nurses and what it means to them.

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Ashfield District Nursing Team – working during Covid

The team have had a big transformation over the past year with two new team Leaders taking over during COVID.

They are two teams North and South Ashfield but to give the best quality care they work together to give the most appropriate visits to our staff to give consistent care to our patients.

During COVID the team adapted to the situation of changing guidance to PPE.

They are are seeing more complex patients in their own homes, this is to release beds in hospitals and reduce length of stay. Also to give palliative support to our patients who wish to remain at home.

We are working closer with Primary Care Networks and have built up a strong relationship.

The Staff have been very supportive of each other during some challenging times, also supporting staff who have had to work from home and adapting their skills in a remote way.



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